Dear Mom,

Beautiful handmade jewelry made by the most selfless and incredible mom. Thank you for everything, you made my childhood magical and you inspire me to keep that magic going even as I get older. You are the best role model as a friend, partner, and parent. I always remember to make my bed before doing anything else when I’m moving, I’ll always offer friends my couch, bed or the floor what I have they are welcome, beer is the best way to pay for things, I’ll always keep beer cold, take every chance to travel the world, and always drive like it’s Jersey when I’m late. Most of all I’ll remember how you taught me to be fiercely loyal, love as hard as I can and my career can wait but memories can’t. There is so many more things you have taught me, intentionally or not that shape me the way that I am.

Thank you for my childhood, my high school years and the support you have shown me in college and beyond. You show up in every way possible, showing up to my rugby matches hours and hours away, always knowing what’s going on in my life and always making sure I’m alright. I hope I can help to support this dream of yours half as much as you support mine.

I love you mom, happy mother’s day.
